Embark on a transformative journey with this unique online watercolor painting experience.  Your skills will flourish, your confidence will soar, and your love for creating beautiful watercolors expands.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist, this unique program will empower your watercolor painting and develop your personal style.

The Watercolor Masterclass

I love watercolor, teaching watercolor and hope to be a part of your watercolor journey!

Teaching watercolor for nearly 20 years has taught me ideas and methods that helped folks make the most progress in the shortest amount of time.

The Watercolor Methods Masterclass takes that experience and turns it into a unique, immersive online watercolor learning experience. The program focuses on skills and ideas needed for specific subjects offered in small bits. You’ll build skill and confidence step by step and develop your style and ability in the process.

We take on a new subject – and it’s challenges – every month. Weekly tutorials focus on individual skills needed for the subject at hand. We combine them together in a new in-depth, full-length video lesson each month. It’s all followed up with a LIVE online class that includes Q&A, Critiques of Member Work, and Live Demos for the upcoming subject.

Get added value from the exclusive Masterclass Member Forum. Share ideas, work, ask and answer questions anytime.

All in all, it is a regular, consistent, program that integrates self-paced lessons with LIVE, online class experiences. Think of it as an ongoing class with a new subject every month.

You can join this program no matter where you are on your journey  – from beginner to advanced.

And I look forward to being a part of it with you. 

Included In Every Lesson & Tutorial

Reference Downloads

Lessons include helpful images and info like drawing layouts, reference photos and sketches and a copy of the finished work.

Video Tutorials

Every lesson is a video lesson with complete, step-by-step instructions and an emhasis on the "what", "how" & "why".

Watercolor Technique

Fundamental techniques are important in watercolor painting so there's always an emphasis on using the right technique the right way


Good paintings are good compositions. "How's" and "Why's" of good composition are included in every lesson.


Watercolor Methods lessons include important, practical color ideas to learn and use in your own paintings.

Comprehensive Methods

Lessons and tutorials are comprehensive and complete, with instruction in the "Whats", "Hows" & "Whys"

And Even More!

  • Over 150 watercolor painting lessons & tutorials in our lesson library – MORE ADDED EVERY MONTH
  • Special “How To Paint” lessons for trees, water, skies and clouds, and linear perspective – MORE TO COME
  • Advanced Skills lesson groups for Color, Value, Value Composition and Light & Form
  • JOIN THE COMMUNITY! WE’VE JUST ADDED AN ONLINE MEMBER FORUM! Post Questions, Share Ideas, Techniques, Materials & More


Monthly Membership



Full access to the entire lesson library including EXCLUSIVE Skill Learning Tracks

A Skill Building Tutorial Every Week

A brand new full-length lesson every month

Live, Online Class Every Month – Q&A, Member Painting Critiques, Live Demos

Great value, low monthly price.

Pause or cancel your membership at any time – no contract or minimum

Membership automatically renews the same day every month


Annual Membership


Access all the same content as the monthly plan

Save 30% over monthly membership

Far less than the cost of a single class or workshop

The most Cost-Effective Way To Experience This Immersive Watercolor Experience

Membership automatically renews the same day every year

Pause or cancel your membership anytime.


How does the 14-day free trial work?

Once you’ve created your Masterclass Membership, you have full access to the entire library of Watercolor Methods lessons and tutorials.  You’ll also be included on the weekly Masterclass email which brings you a new skill challenge, an important tip or trick, a new monthly lesson and more.

If you decide the Masterclass Membership is not for you, simply cancel within the first 14 days. Your account won’t be charged.

How often do you release new lessons and tutorials?

There is a new full-length, in-depth watercolor painting lesson released every month along with a few shorter skill challenge tutorials with ideas and exercises that support the Monthly Learning Objective. 

Do I need to be an Advanced watercolor painter for this program?

No! Watercolorists at all skill levels will benefit from this program – even Beginners. Weekly skill building challenges are focused on practicing and learning specific skills that support the Monthly Learning Objective.  

Building knowledge and skill piece-by-piece and then learning to combine them in a painting is the fastest way to make progress painting watercolor.

I'm just starting out in watercolor. Is this program for me as a Beginner?

Yes! It is. Althought its called the Masterclass, the intent is to teach you how to master this beautiful and tricky medium.  All full-length lessons are presented step-by-step, with clear explantions and especially important points emphasized.  Techniques are demonstrated and explained and important skills are highlighted.

One of the things the Masterclass will do for a Beginner is help them to NOT develop many of the bad habits that self-taught watercolorist often acquire when learning on their own. 

Can I cancel at any time?

You may cancel or pause your Masterclass Membership at any time. Note that it is better to Pause the subscription rather than Cancel. The membership price increases from time to time.  If you cancel a membership and decide to re-join, it will be at the current price.  

Paused Memberships can be un-paused, also at any time. Resumed Memberships begin billing at the original price. 

You can pause or cancel your Membership from the Member Account page. A link to the Account page can be found on the Your Lesson Library page.