Light and Form On Simple Shapes – Pyramid

Light and Form On Simple Shapes – Pyramid

Light & Form – Simple Pyramid Shape Use Color and Value Changes To Show Light and Form In this lesson, you’ll learn to use changes in the VALUE of a single COLOR to create the effect of light on a simple pyramid shape. It is another level of challenge since we’ll...
Painting Simple Shapes – Cone

Painting Simple Shapes – Cone

Light & Form – Simple Cone Shape Use Color and Value Changes To Show Light and Form Learn to create a look of light and three dimensional form with a single color and shifts in value.  Color And Value For Light And Form In this lesson, you’ll learn to...
Waterfall Study – Watercolor Painting Lesson

Waterfall Study – Watercolor Painting Lesson

Waterfall Study In Watercolor Techniques For Fast Moving Water, Whitewater and Spray Learn how to use two techniques to create the look of fast moving ‘whitewater’ and the spray that results when fast water strikes solid objects. This lesson shows how to...
The Anatomy Of Light For The Artist

The Anatomy Of Light For The Artist

The Anatomy Of Light On Rounded Shapes Light falls on every object around us illuminating some portions and throwing other portions into shadow.  Understanding these effects are crucial for the representational artist. Real world light effects are very complex but...