Unlock the artistry of watercolor painting and learn to master the beauty of watercolor from the comfort of your home.”

Get Started With A Free Membership!

Your Free Membership Includes 11 Lessons – Seven short tutorials on Basic Watercolor Painting Technique plus Four easy watercolor painting lessons.

My Journey = Your Journey

Hello there! I’m Tony Conner, a self-taught watercolor painter just like you.  Whether you are new to watercolor or have some experience, know that my journey has been just like yours. 

I took classes and workshops, watched videos, read books – anything that might help me improve and understand this tricky medium.  

What worked for me was an approach that included technique, composition and color ideas in understandable, bite-sized bits. 

Watercolor Methods integrates all three into easy to follow, self-paced lessons.

It’ll work for you no matter where you are on your journey  – from beginner to advanced.

I love watercolor and love to teach watercolor and hope to be a part of your watercolor journey!

Watercolor Painting Fundamental Techniques

Quiet winter stream watercolor painting lesson

This 7 Lesson group will get you off to a great start. Get a great handle on the unique, basic techniques needed to paint well in watercolor. Great for beginners and anyone struggling with this tricky medium.

Easy Watercolor Painting Lessons

Lessons that use basic techniques. Get practice and experience with the basic techniques to gain confidence.

Quiet winter stream watercolor painting lesson

Easy Summer Sky & Landscape

watercolor seascape scene easy painting lesson

Paint A Quiet Seascape Scene

Watercolor landscape painting with puddle by Tony Conner

Paint A Rainy Summer Day

black eyed susans in a blue vase watercolor painting lesson

Paint Black-eyed Susans In A Blue Vase

Included With Every Lesson

Reference Downloads

Lessons include helpful images and info like drawing layouts, reference photos and sketches and a copy of the finished work.

Video Tutorials

Every lesson is a video lesson with complete, step-by-step instructions and an emhasis on the “what”, “how” & “why”.

Watercolor Technique

Fundamental techniques are important in watercolor painting so there’s always an emphasis on using the right technique the right way


Good paintings are good compositions. “How’s” and “Why’s” of good composition are included in every lesson. 


Watercolor Methods lessons include important, practical color ideas to learn and use in your own paintings.

Comprehensive Methods

Lessons and tutorials are comprehensive and complete, with instruction in the “Whats”, “Hows” & “Whys”