ON MARCH 1ST, MEMBERSHIPS ON WATERCOLOR METHODS WILL NO LONGER BE ACCESSIBLEWatercolor Methods Masterclass has moved and become a private section on my artists website.
The name has also changed to Watercolor Mastery.
More info and Membership sign up are both available by clicking the button below.
Please contact me for specific info needed to set up your new Membership.
Find indexed LIVE class recordings here
Schedule of upcoming subjects, weekly tutorials and lessons, and Monthly lessons
Find the member forum here

January 2025 : The Winter Landscape
The lesson focuses on a couple key ideas and skills needed for successful winter scenes including : lively grays & neutrals; perspective for depth, subtle shading for form.
BONUS : learn a ‘pro tip’ for creating a warm glow in overcast skies.
Find this lesson on my artists website – since it’s a Members only lesson, use this password for access :
January Mastery Lesson
As a reminder, Watercolor Methods Masterlass Memberships will not be accessible on March 1st.
Please set up your new Mastery Class Membership soon! Contact me for specific instructions.
Lessons By Subject
“How To Paint”
Lesson Groups That Show How To Paint Various Subjects

How To Paint Trees
Trees are important elements in any landscape. It’s important to know how to paint them so that they look ‘right’.
Seven tutorials in this section show you how.

How To Paint Skies & Clouds
Clouds and skies are part of just about every landscape painting. Usually they are the backdrop just there to provide a sense of space, distance, and light.
This lesson series shows how to get great looking clouds and skies everytime.

How To Paint Water
Learn the basic skills and techniques needed to have water look right. It is usually enough to simplify the expression with simple, visually meaningful symbols.
There are seven focused lessons on painting water in this how to lesson group.

How To Paint Rocks
Rocks are everywhere in the landscape and along the shores lakes, rivers and oceans.
It’s important to learn how to paint these common residents of common scenes.
This group of lessons shows how.

How To Paint Interior Scenes
Interiors are challenging subjects. Making them look right requires attention to symmetry, proportion and scale.
There are methods and techniques that help – learning them will improve your paintings of other subjects as well.
This group of lessons shows how.
Advanced Foundational Watercolor Skills
These Lessons Are Grouped And Organized To Improve Your Painting With Important Concepts, Methods And Techniques
Value is a simple idea that is of utmost importance for the watercolor painter.
Skillful use of value contributes to both strong compositions and in creating a sense of light on three dimensional objects.
This section introduces Value and it’s use in developing strong compositions.
Color Basics
Color is a simple word that is really inadaequate for describing the complex interactions between four different aspects of color.
There are Four Characteristics of Color. They can be used separately and in combination to create a sense of light, form, space and distance in a painting.
This section includes a primer on the basics of color and its four characteristics along with examples and explanations of basic Color Schemes.
Perspective For Watercolor Painting
This group of lessons are not painting lessons, but are so very important for understanding how to represent the 3D world in your 2D paintings.
Linear perspective is based on the simple idea that objects that are farther from you appear to be smaller.
These lessons will help you understand the basics and show how to apply them in a painting.
How To Show Light & Form
Recreating the effect of light on solid objects in a painting is essential for the representational painter.
This group of lessons introduces ideas and concepts for representing light effects and how they seem to reveal solid form for the objects in your painting.