Basic Watercolor Painting Techniques

Great For Beginners And Anyone Struggling With This Tricky Medium


  • Gain confidence in managing washes, water and color
  • Learn how to create those loose, flowing, mingling washes that are admired in watercolor paintings
  • You’ll have learned the “secret” to creating the transparent glow that is unique to watercolor paintings
  • Gain the the foundation for gaining expertise in all other areas of watercolor painting

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These are the most important watercolor painting lessons you’ll take.  Watercolor is a tricky medium because it works differently than any other.  It is meant to be transparent when dry.  It will only be so if it is applied with plenty of water! This is the one thing that trips up most of us – especially when we are starting out.  

With this set of lessons, you’ll learn four fundamental watercolor painting techniques. All require attention to the condition of the brush, amount of paint in a wash, and the condition of the paper.   Absorb the lessons and practice until all four are second nature.  Once you do, everything else will be easy.

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